Milestone 2

What is an animal? 

 During this milestone you will review information on different types of animals, animal behavior and structure of different animals. 

Zoology (also known as animal science) is the branch of biology devoted to the study of animal life. It covers areas ranging from the structure of organisms to the subcellular unit of life. Some zoologists are interested in the biology of particular groups of animals. Others are concerned with the structure and function of animal bodies. Still others study how new animals are formed and how their characteristics are passed on from one generation to another. Zoologists study the interactions of animals with one another and their environments, as well as the significance of the behavior of animals.

Zoology is both descriptive and analytical. It can be approached either as a basic science or as an applied science. A worker in basic zoology is interested in knowledge of animals for its own sake without consideration of the direct application of the information gained. In contrast, workers in applied zoology are interested in information that will directly benefit humans and animals (medicine, for example).

Historically, the study of zoology can be viewed as a series of efforts to analyze and classify animals. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle is credited with devising the system of classifying animals that recognized similarities among diverse organisms in the fourth century B.C.E.; he arranged groups of animals according to mode of reproduction and habitat. Zoology began to emerge as a science in the 12th century and long was dominated by studies of anatomy and efforts at classifying animals. The Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus developed a system of nomenclature that still is used today — the binomial system of genus and species — and established as a discipline taxonomy, the science of classification according to a predetermined system.


Stepping Stone #1: 

Stepping Stone #2:  

Stepping Stone #3:  

Stepping Stone #4:  

Stepping Stone #5:  

Stepping Stone #6:  Feeding and Digestion of Animals:  Biology Textbook:  pg. 840-844 or use the link.

Stepping Stone #7:  

Stepping Stone #8:  Natural Selection

Over many generations heritable adaptive characteristics become more common in a population.  This process is called evolution by natural selection.  Evolution by natural selection takes place over many, many generations.  Evolution by natural selection leads to adaptation with a population.  The term evolution by natural selection does not refer to individuals changing, only to changes in the frequency of adaptive characteristics in the population as a whole. 

Stepping Stone #9:  Animal Investigation

Choose one of the following categories of animals and choose one animal from that category to investigate within the species.  Use the rubric to put together your presentation. This presentation can be completed on Google Slides or Power Point. 

Disciplines that concentrate on specific divisions of animal life:

Entomology ---------- Insects

Herpetology ---------- Amphibians & Reptiles

Ichthyology -----------Fish

Invertebrate Zoology -- Animals without backbones

Malacology ----------- Mollusks

Mammalogy ---------- Mammals

Ornithology ---------- Birds

Sub disciplines that concentrate on interactions between animals and their environment:

Embryology --- Development of animals before birth

Ethology ------ Animal behavior

Paleontology -- Fossils

Sociobiology -- Behavior, ecology & evolution of social animals such as bees, ants, schooling fish, flocking birds & humans

Stepping Stone #10:  Endangered or Extinct

Article:  Extinct or Endangered                                Activities List:  Choose one to complete

*The Final Performance Task 

The performance task will allow you to plan and conduct an investigation about a Biological principle or topic that you have studied or are interested in learning more about. 

Students will complete the following within the investigation of their choice:

Bank of Experiment Examples (you may choose one of your own). 

Fermentation of Yeast with different sugars.  This experiments allows you to study the effects of sugar as an energy source on living organisms (yeast). 

Genetics - This project is about how cells mutate/code incorrectly causing a genetic disease. 

The Stroop Effect - This experiment is about how a persons vision impacts responses. (This is a basic instruction form.  You will want to research this topic for a more indepth experiment for higher ratings. 

Evolution Project - Use the Power Point you created for Stepping Stone #9 to help you with this Preformance Task.  Follow the instructions Linked to complete the second part of the project. 

Natural Selection:  Bird Beaks - Follow the lab and complete the template to help you with the technical write.