In our classroom, we PROMOTE an atmosphere of safety, trust, and respect. We work hard to BUILD a sense of COMMUNITY among StUdEnTs and teachers, and emphasize the idea of TEAMWORK. We value cooperation & collaboration in the classroom and as we work with our peers. We believe that great things can happen when WE work TOGETHER! We are a WinninG team!



All students will spend some time on Google Meet this year, but especially our at-home learners. Please follow these guidelines for Google Meet classes and "Tips for Success" if you are an at-home learner:

Virtual Class Expectations
Gatton Remote Learning POSTER

Please follow these Tips for Success if you are an at-home learner.

This virtual reading library contains books you will enjoy reading for pleasure. Click on each slide to open up different rooms of the library--there are 17 slides! Ms. Young, our virtual librarian, worked hard to prepare these slides for you. Enjoy!! 🤓📖💚

Trimester 1: Ms. Young's Ultimate Reading Library