Blue Day

LESSON PLANS for periods 1, 2, and 4. RTI/Adv. Choir is below.

  • Welcome and Attendance.

    • When doing attendance, take note of who does not have a pencil. I have available pencils on a drawer near the front entrance. The pencil sharpener is slow but it, really slow.

    • Pass to the students the notes sheet so they have something to follow along with.

    • As students are leaving at the end of the day, students will put their notes in their class’ inbox on the other side of the threshold from the pencils.

    • Direct students to complete their zone check prior to the start of the movie. It’s an app on their iPads. Some students don’t have access to it, yet.

  • Video

    • Today, students will be watching a video created from a series hosted by world famous jazz musician and distinguished classical performer, Wynton Marsalis and is called, “Tackling the Monster: Marsalis on Practice.” In it the students will see performances by advanced students and professionals alike, alongside Marsalis’ 12 Rules For Successful Practice regimen. Regimen simply means “way of life.”

    • Students should be directed to use their stands, if necessary, as a writing table. The stands are expensive and not meant to be leaned upon.

    • Students should show respect during the movie by keeping their voice level to zero and by SLANTing.

    • Students should make good decisions by focusing on the information presented in today’s video and writing down the 12 Rules for Successful Practice and any supporting information.

    • Students should solve problems by making sure they have a pencil and are at a place in the room where they can focus and remain undistracted by classmates.


    • You will probably need to stop the video early so you can close class and direct students to place their note sheets in the inbox on their way out of class.

  • Worksheets (periods 1 and 2 ONLY)

  • Character Strong (4th period only)

    • Relational activities. Click this link to access it. In case you have to get to it from the main page, login with the below credentials, and then on the left menu, select MY SEL > Resources > Relational Activities.

    • I have already logged on, but it it doesn’t work for some reason, here are the credentials:

      • UN: orchardms

      • PW: character2019

      • Familiarize yourself with the slides prior to walking through them with the students. These are fun relational games to play with the students. They should already be fairly familiar with them.

  • Dismissal.

    • T: “Three things must happen before we leave today. (1) First, have a good day everyone.”

    • S: (2) “You too, Mr./Mrs. so-and-so”

    • T: (3) “You’re dismissed.” Students are not to disassemble or get up from their seats until they’re dismissed.


  • Welcome and Attendance.

    • Direct students to complete their zone check prior to the start of the movie. It’s an app on their iPads. Some students don’t have access to it, yet.

  • Student Portfolios

    • Go to Canvas > Modules > Student Portfolios, and follow the instructions.

PBIS classroom plan - Sandberg music