Battle of the Books
Wisconsin Students Love to Read!
Book Lists are announced June 1st
Order Ribbons & Pins,
Shirts or Plaques
Battle Results all years
Welcome to a fun and learning intensive experience! BOB is a statewide reading challenge at three levels (elementary 4-6, middle 6-8, and high school 8-12.) Students read books deeply so that they retain information about plot, character, theme, setting, and other elements.
20 book list for students to read and discuss as you choose
Students work in teams of 2, 3, or 4.
A Moodle site for students & advisors to practice and share ideas
A culminating statewide, online “battle” to find the teams who know the books the best
Register your team(s)
Buy the books. List available June 1st.
Let students read, read, read!
Practice on the Moodle site (all questions are in the following format: Q: In what book does a boy find out he is the son of powerful wizards? A: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling
To build love of reading
To encourage students to read books they might not have chosen
To engage students in an academic team competition
To connect schools and teachers across the state
To have fun!