IB DP Assessment

IB Subjects each have a combination of internal assessment (IA) and external assessments (EA) specified in the course guides. These are considered summative assessments (assessment of learning), and while many of these assessments occur near the end of Year 2 such as the IB exams in May (EA), many of the courses will begin the IA work near the end of Year 1 or over the summer. Visit the upcoming graduating class page for specific IA Timelines for the current class.

More details about assessment can be found on the most current version of the Wells IB DP Assessment Policy below.

Each file below can be expanded to its own page by clicking in the corner or you may view it by scrolling over the file within this page.
Many IB assessments require the use of PDFs to edit and complete. 
Please download Adobe's free reader to edit these IB files for submission.

IB DP Requirements

Below you will find information on the IB Passing Requirements and IB Grades. IB Grades are based on a holistic view of a candidate's performance in the subject, which can be summarized by the IB Grade Descriptors. Wells grades are not meant to be an equivalent to IB Grades (an A in a class is not the equivalent of an IB Grade of 7). 

Requirements for the IB Diploma Programme & IB DP Core Matrix

Grade Descriptors

Subject grade descriptors can be found in the documents below. Use this for self-assessment. Teachers may also use these to determine projected and predicted grades.

IB DP Assessment Descriptors by Subject.pdf

Assessment Policy

IB DP WIS Assessment Policy (v.2022-2024).pdf