Grade 8



In late February/early March of Grade 7, school counselors visit classes and present a comprehensive description of the Grade 8 curriculum and school life. Counselors also meet individually with students, as necessary, to discuss their choices of Grade 8 courses. It is helpful for parents and students to read the general guidelines and preview Wellesley High School requirements earlier in this booklet.  You and your parents have the opportunity and the responsibility for realistically planning your program of subjects in school. Your choices can influence the pattern of subjects you will be electing in the High School.  

It is important to realize that changes are difficult to arrange because of class size and class balance.  Please consider your course selection carefully as changes due to errors in scheduling will be given priority during the first two weeks of school.  Note: No requests for elective changes will be accepted after the completion of the first two cycles (12 school days) of each semester.


In 8th grade students are divided into 4 teams of 80-144 students each. Students share common teachers and experiences similar to their former Grade 6 houses and Grade 7 clusters. Additionally, students engage in a social/emotional program, called “SEED,” that provides time each month for 8th grade students to discuss topics appropriate for their transition to middle school as well as a 15-minute daily "advisory." Both are places for them to get to know and connect with their peers and adults in a non-academic setting as well as time to think about new and challenging issues. Topics have included Grade 8 to 9 transition, inclusion/belonging, anti-bullying, identity, drug/alcohol education, team building, social media/technology, and community service.  Skills include: relationship building and responsible decision making.

SEED also provides a forum to communicate and honor our core values: