
The team hopes for the WHS community to learn more about the benefits of sleep, reflect on sleep habits and hopefully make changes to get better quality sleep.

The students were given discussion topics in Advisory like "Describe the environment that you sleep best in. How do you feel about your bedroom/bed/where you sleep? Do you like it, dislike it - explain."

The groups also talked about various suggestions for how to improve sleep including:

  • Alter how your bed is laid out: You may think you need two pillows, but perhaps no pillows is right for you. The key here is to experiment.
  • If you can't sleep, go into another room and do something relaxing (take deep breaths) until you feel tired.
  • It is best to take work materials, computers and televisions out of the sleeping environment.
  • Environmental factors such as a room that's too hot or cold, too noisy or too brightly lit can be a barrier to sound sleep.

Students watched a Ted Talk about sleep to kick off the focus area.