745 Advanced TV/Video Production

Gr  10 - 12 |3 Credits | Semester-Long |5x per Cycle

 PREREQUISITE: Intermediate TV/Video Production

Students in the advanced course are independent workers, self-motivated, and committed to their studies of TV/Video production. Students will master sophisticated Adobe Premier Pro editing techniques and will produce independent video projects both in and out of the TV studio. Students will learn additional software programs to enhance their videos such as After Effects. Students in this course have a community service requirement where they must film a school or community event and assist with the Friday Morning Announcements. If students excel in Advanced TV-Video, they may be recommended to be in the Intensive course.

Essential Skills:

1A: Planning 1B: Time Management  1C: Experimentation and Revision

2A: Use of Media/Tools  2B: Composition. 2C: Artistic Voice  2D: Visual Synthesis

3A: Written Evidence  3B: Art Criticism  3C: Presentation