231AP Advanced Placement U.S. History 11 H

 Gr 11 | 6 Credits | | Year-Long | 5x per Cycle

This is a course designed for highly motivated history students who wish to explore topics in breadth and depth, who work well independently, and who wish to study material at the college level. The course surveys material from the mid-15th century through the end of the 20th century. In addition to using the course text, students will read multiple scholarly journal articles, selections from historical monographs, and primary sources.  Students will complete formal papers and/or presentations based on these readings and a range of critical thinking skills. In addition, students will write a number of timed essays in preparation for essay questions on the AP Exam. Strong readers can expect to do one hour of work per night in preparation for each class. Enrolled students are encouraged to take the AP exam in U.S. history. Students who enroll in AP U.S. History should have completed Modern World History, should have the recommendation of their teacher, and are expected to complete a substantial summer assignment before starting this course.  This course is designed and will be considered to be offered at the same level designation as U.S. History Honors. 

Essential Skills in the U.S. History Advanced Placement Classroom

Students will read, watch, and listen to understand.

Students will think historically.

Students will communicate persuasively and narratively.