943 Theatrical Production and Design Intensive H

Gr 10 - 12 |  3 Credits | Semester-Long | 5x per Cycle

 * Prerequisite - 942 Theatrical Production and Design and instructor approval 

This is a rigorous Honors level course that will count in the computation of the Grade Point Average. The objective of this course is to provide advanced opportunities to students seeking independent projects in technical production and/or theatrical design. Recommended for those interested in being college technical theater majors or minors. Permission of the instructor is required. This course runs concurrently with the non-intensive course, and there will be overlap between the 2 courses and the work completed therein.


Intensive class students will be expected to demonstrate leadership and explore at least 3 areas of design and/or production. An emphasis on communication, particularly in the form of portfolios, CVs, and resumes, as well as interpersonal communication in the form of email and design/production presentations should be expected.

Tech and Production Intensives will work closely with the designers for a specific show to realize the multiple complex elements inherent in the production. Students will be expected to develop plans, finalize the materials list, and carry out the construction and completion of selected show-specific assignments.

Design Intensives will work closely with the director, execute complete production designs, and work closely with the tech and production staff to problem-solve and complete the various design aspects of each show.


Class members should expect to work on the after school stage crew and production staff for the Performing Arts Department productions.

Process materials, including photos of finished products, should be available to incorporate in students’ theatrical resumes and portfolios.

Essential Skills

The Wellesley Public Schools Performing Arts Program offers a comprehensive program of experiences for all students. Courses offered through the Performing Arts are grounded in the Massachusetts State Arts Framework Essential Skills and Standards; Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting. 

Theatrical Production and Design Courses Essential Skills:



