936 Acting 3: Advanced Fundamentals of Acting and Performance

Gr 11- 12 | 3 Credits | Semester-Long | 5x per Cycle

*PREREQUISITE: Beginning or Intermediate Fundamentals of Acting and Performance or by permission of instructor.

In Advanced Acting Fundamentals, we continue to build upon the skills from the Beginning and Intermediate levels. Third-year students will explore the art of physicalizing characters and have the opportunity to play some of the greatest characters in the theater. Working in a creative and positive atmosphere, students will gain expertise with characterization, objective, inner and outer action, beats, units, given circumstances, relaxation, creativity, partner and group action/reaction. The course will culminate in an informal performance of scenes. Course curriculum includes the following units: Professional Auditioning, Shakespearean Scene Study, Theater of Oppressed, Viewpoints, Documentary Theatre, Playwriting, Film Scene Study.

NOTE: if you plan to audition/participate in the Improv Troupe, enrollment in an acting  class is a requirement.

Essential Skills

The Wellesley Public Schools Performing Arts Program offers a comprehensive program of experiences for all students. Courses offered through the Performing Arts are grounded in the Massachusetts State Arts Framework Essential Skills and Standards; Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting. 

Acting Courses Essential Skills:



