935 Acting 2: Intermediate Fundamentals of Acting and Performance

Gr 9- 12 |3 Credits | Semester-Long | 5x per Cycle

*PREREQUISITE: Beginning Fundamentals of Acting and Performance or permission of instructor.

Building on the skills acquired in the Beginning Acting Course,  this class explores the craft of acting in greater depth as a means for self-study and self-exploration. This class will provide second-year actors with an opportunity to explore and apply the basic principles and techniques of effective, imaginative, and honest stage acting. Students will be engaged in experiential exercises, structured improvised scenes, as well as scripted scenes. The class will culminate in informal presentations of student work. Course curriculum includes the following units: Voice and Body work, Physical Approaches to the Craft of Acting, Children’s Theatre, Process Drama, and Intermediate Dramatic Scene Study.

Essential Skills

The Wellesley Public Schools Performing Arts Program offers a comprehensive program of experiences for all students. Courses offered through the Performing Arts are grounded in the Massachusetts State Arts Framework Essential Skills and Standards; Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting. 

Acting Courses Essential Skills:



