934 Acting 1: Beginning Fundamentals of Acting and Performance

Gr 9 - 12 |3 Credits | Semester-Long | 5x per Cycle

If you took Drama at the Middle School level, this class is an extension of the basic Acting skills learned through that program. If you are new to Theatre in general, this is a great class for building the Actor’s foundation of skills.  In this course, we focus on Improvisational Skills as the core of our work in a supportive and creative environment.. Students will learn the basics of improvisation and acting through play and script work. This course is recommended for all freshmen and others new to high school drama. Course curriculum includes: Short Form Improvisation, Basic Acting Methodology, Character Work and Introduction to Scene Study. 

Essential Skills

The Wellesley Public Schools Performing Arts Program offers a comprehensive program of experiences for all students. Courses offered through the Performing Arts are grounded in the Massachusetts State Arts Framework Essential Skills and Standards; Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting. 

Acting Courses Essential Skills:



