931 Rock Band

 Gr 9 - 12 | 3 Credits |  Semester-Long | 5x per Cycle

This class is designed for any student instrumentalist/vocalist who is interested in playing rock/popular music. All levels of musicianship and all instruments/vocalists are welcome! We will work on learning songs from various eras of rock and popular music. We will also explore topics such as songwriting, planning a performance and creating a set list. No experience is required or necessary. We will have access to a drum set and guitar/bass amplifiers, but otherwise students will need to bring their own instruments to class. Students may additionally choose to join the after school Rock Band Club to add further depth to their work, but this is not at all required.

Essential Skills

The Wellesley Public Schools Performing Arts Program offers a comprehensive program of experiences for all students. Courses offered through the Performing Arts are grounded in the Massachusetts State Arts Framework Essential Skills and Standards; Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting.