904 Songwriting II 

 Gr 9-12 | 3 Credits | Semester-Long | 5x per Cycle

 *PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of 903 Songwriting I

This course will give experienced songwriters a chance to learn advanced songwriting and studio production techniques. Students will do more in-depth work with varied song forms and styles. Songwriters will also analyze examples of professional songs of their preference/choosing to learn the form, structure, rhythms, chords and melodies that are being used by the pros. Students who want to sing or rap on their songs will examine lyric-writing techniques and practices to develop new ideas and material. Students will further develop recording studio techniques using current recording software, mixer and microphones. Students are highly encouraged to collaborate with students taking TV/video courses to create soundtrack music for films. The final result of this course will be a full album of your original music. Advanced seniors may apply for the Intensive version (905A) of this course. 

Essential Skills

CreatingImagine. Generate musical ideas for various purposes and contexts.

Performing: Present. Share creative musical work that conveys intent, demonstrates craftsmanship, and exhibits originality.

Responding: Select. Select varied musical works to present based on interest, knowledge, technical skill, and context.

Connecting: Analyze. Analyze the structure and context of varied musical works and their implications for performance.