579 Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Nuestra Iberoamérica H / 578 Spanish for Heritage Speakers: Nuestra Iberoamérica ACP

Gr 9 - 12 | 6 Credits | Year-Long| 5x per Cycle

This course is for heritage speakers (any student who speaks Spanish at home, has a personal, familial, or community connection to Spanish, can understand conversations) who would like to strengthen their reading and writing skills. The general objectives of this course are to develop competence in students’ reading and writing, to master certain grammar points particular to heritage speakers, to help them improve their presentational skills, and take into account the experiences and influences of their bilingual and bicultural upbringing. Students will explore intercultural and bicultural themes through the study of literature, history, current events, and celebrations.

This course is offered at the combined ACP/Honors level. Students will be placed in the Honors section for scheduling purposes only. Students will be able to designate which level they would like to be assessed at in the fall once they learn about course expectations. 

Essential Skills:

(From the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for World Languages)