698 Mandarin Chinese 3 H* / 699 Mandarin Chinese 3 ACP*

 Gr 10 - 12 | 6 Credits | Year-Long | 5x per Cycle

This course is for the student whose success in second year Mandarin Chinese has encouraged him/her to want to pursue a curriculum that goes beyond the basics. Students develop a higher level of proficiency as they expand their vocabulary, study more complicated grammatical structures, and use the language in more sophisticated ways, building on the three modes of communication - interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Topics to be studied may include: dating, the internet and computers, Chinese geography, the beginning of the school year and choosing classes, life as a student, restaurants, shopping, traveling; asking directions, working part time, & sports. 

Performance Target: Intermediate-Low on the ACTFL scale.

This course is offered at the combined ACP/Honors level. Students will be placed in the Honors section for scheduling purposes only. Students will be able to designate which level they would like to be assessed at in the fall once they learn about course expectations. 

Essential Skills:

(From the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for World Languages)

Success Criteria:


I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using intermediate-mid language.


I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using intermediate-mid language.