521 French 2H / 522 French 2 ACP

 Gr 9 - 12 | 6 Credits | Year-Long | 5x per Cycle

This is the standard course for students who have completed grade 8 French.  It stresses a proficiency approach, with primary emphasis on the context and purpose of communication through the three modes: Interpersonal (Two-way, unrehearsed communication between individuals); Interpretive (One-way communication using receptive skills of listening and reading); and Presentational (One-way communication using productive skills of speaking and writing). 

Performance Target: Intermediate-Mid on the ACTFL scale.

Essential Skills (From the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for World Languages):

This course is offered at the combined ACP/Honors level. Students will be placed in the Honors section for scheduling purposes only. Students will be able to designate which level they would like to be assessed at in the fall once they learn about course expectations. 

Success Criteria:


I can independently create a spoken or written message and participate in a conversation using intermediate-low language.

I can independently create a spoken or written message or participate in a conversation using intermediate-low language.