511 French 1 H / 512 French ACP

Gr 9 - 12 | 6 credits | Year-long | 5x per cycle

French 1 develops language proficiency in three modes of communication, interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Performance Target: Novice-Mid to Novice-High on the ACTFL scale. 

Students who successfully completed 8th grade French may not register for French 1 without prior approval from their WMS French teacher and the CML department head.

This course is offered at the combined ACP/Honors level. Students will be placed in the Honors section for scheduling purposes only. Students will be able to designate which level they would like to be assessed at in the fall once they learn about course expectations. 

Essential Skills: 

(From the Massachusetts Curriculum Framework for World Languages):

Comparisons - Develop insight into the nature of language and culture to interact with cultural competence. 

Success Criteria:

I can independently create a a spoken or written message and participate in a conversation using Novice-High language.


I can independently create a spoken or written message using novice-mid language.


I can independently create a spoken or written message using novice-high language.