8XX Social Justice Through Art

 Gr 9-12 | 1.5 Credits | Quarter-Long | 5x per Cycle

Does inequality, global warming and healthcare make you want to change the world?  If you love to create and want to make a difference in our world, enroll in the Social Justice Through Art (SJA) course.  This class will explore challenges we face in our community and use art as a vehicle for public expression.  This is a mixed-media art class and will help you to find your voice, make a difference and influence change in our community through art.  SJA is an entry level one-term art course.  Come join us to help support your cause. 

Essential Skills:

1A: Planning 1B: Time Management  1C: Experimentation and Revision

2A: Use of Media/Tools  2B: Composition. 2C: Artistic Voice  2D: Visual Synthesis

3A: Written Evidence  3B: Art Criticism  3C: Presentation