848 Printmaking

Gr 9-12 | 1.5 Credits | Quarter-Long | 5x per Cycle

Students will discover and develop personal imagery while learning several types of printmaking techniques including relief, mono print, serigraph (silkscreen,) solar plate etching, collagraph, and digital printing. Images are constructed through collage, drawing, and painting on or carving into surfaces such as rubber, wood, metal or plastic. These are inked and transferred to paper by hand, printing press, or silkscreen. Often several impressions will be pulled from one printing plate and combined with another.

The emphasis in this semester-long class is on gaining technical, conceptual, and formal skills while developing a student’s ideas through various types of printing and mixed media combinations. Critiques, slide talks, and videos contribute to student understanding of the history, concepts and processes behind printmaking.

Students can elect to take this semester long class more than once.

A lab fee is charged for this course.

Essential Skills:

1A: Planning 1B: Time Management  1C: Experimentation and Revision

2A: Use of Media/Tools  2B: Composition. 2C: Artistic Voice  2D: Visual Synthesis

3A: Written Evidence  3B: Art Criticism  3C: Presentation