823 Metals Intensive H

 Gr 12 | 6 Credits | Year-Long | 6x per Cycle | *PREREQUISITE: 819 Metals II 

This full-year metals course will stress understanding the principles of three-dimensional design, mastery of the manual skills of metals, creative problem solving, and developing the ability for critical analysis. While this course will allow students to begin a body of work that has personal meaning, it will also allow students to work on techniques of their choosing. Critiques will provide an opportunity for communication and development of a visual language. These regular group and individual critiques will enable the class to use critical thinking skills to solve visual problems. Once a cycle, students will meet with other Intensive students and their teachers from Ceramics, Drawing/Painting, and Photography for an Intensive Seminar. This is a rigorous honors-level course that will count in computation of your Grade Point Average and this is only open to apply for if you have taken both prerequisites: Metals 1 and Metals 2, also Metals 3 is encouraged, but not required. To enroll is this class you must fill out an application, obtain a recommendation from the instructor and consult your guidance counselor. There is a materials fee for this course.

Essential Skills:

1A: Planning 1B: Time Management  1C: Experimentation and Revision

2A: Use of Media/Tools  2B: Composition. 2C: Artistic Voice  2D: Visual Synthesis

3A: Written Evidence  3B: Art Criticism  3C: Presentation