817 Metals I

 Gr 9-12 | 1.5 Credits | Quarter-Long | 5x per Cycle

In this beginning course students will be introduced to the metals studio and basic metalsmithing techniques. Students will be introduced to design and layout principles, piercing, filing, soldering, carving, and finishing applications. Emphasis will be placed on correct use of metalsmith equipment, an understanding of studio routines, and health and safety precautions. Students will create original design solutions to assigned class projects and samples. Students typically finish three complete projects and one sample. These projects can be wearable jewelry and/or sculptural objects. 


Essential Skills:

1A: Planning 1B: Time Management  1C: Experimentation and Revision

2A: Use of Media/Tools  2B: Composition. 2C: Artistic Voice  2D: Visual Synthesis

3A: Written Evidence  3B: Art Criticism  3C: Presentation