PReFrD Lab

Prejudice Reduction and Friendship Diversity Lab

Welcome to the PReFrD Lab at Wellesley College!

Our research focuses on the dynamics of prejudice and intergroup relations with the goal of reducing prejudice. In one line of work we study stereotypes and threats as justifications of prejudice. The central aim of this work is to examine how and when the cognitive and behavioral components of prejudice develop. To do this, we study the relationship between prejudice and threat. We also study friendship formation by examining similarity and diversity within friendship pairs. The central aim of this work is to identify the factors that influence friendship choices. Our initial work on friendship similarity has led us to explore the factors that facilitate diverse friendships, driven by the goal of learning how to reduce prejudice and improve intergroup relations.

Core Areas of Research


A feelings-based evaluation of an individual or a group that is primarily based on group membership.

Justifications for Prejudice

Beliefs about a group such as stereotypes or threat perceptions that allow for free expressions of prejudice without tarnishing one's private or public self-image.

Thought Diversity

Dissimilarity of views on moral or political issues.

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