
Roxy 5 - Wellington students can make a short film up to five minutes long including key elements.

A silent short film competition with a NZ schools category. Due Sept 1st.

Make a film of 5 minutes or less about 'young kiwis making a difference'

A NZ competition looking for short films or docos with a theme of 'sustainability'

'Focus on the Ability' of people with a disability and tell a story on film for the world to view

Script writing comp on sexual consent.

Make a short film in 48 hours. You get given a genre and several key elements to include.

Make a short film with the element of 'horror' in it. Or curate a collection of NZ media texts (written task) with 'horror' in them. Entries for the written competition need to be submitted by 25 October 2019 and the short films must be submitted to NZ On Screen by 1 November 2019.

Create a 30 second video or animated gif to celebrate 125 years of women's suffrage. 2018 only.

Create a short 30-60 second video about one earthquake preparedness.