
Intro to iPad

IPad Care and Responsibility

Tips and Tricks

Connecting to Wifi: https://youtu.be/2_n52ZeT-zc

Installing Apps from Self Service: https://youtu.be/980SkZrQCBk

Updating iOS: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zEzUNBsX7Tbrz_HeETsua5NxjDkgfz2z/view?usp=sharing

Memory Issues: Delete Apps and Photos that are not being used and not necessary.

Troubleshooting Strategies

1. DON'T PANIC (we will figure something out)

2. Check iPad for updates and Update your iOS:

This video show how to make sure your iOS is up to date. If an app on your iPad isn't working, if you iPad isn't charging, start here first!


3. Try another way:

If a link doesn't work, try getting there via app (Edpuzzle, Quizizz, Realize Reader) or using another browser (if using Safari try Chrome and vise versa). Sometimes glitches are path specific.

4. Try turning iPad off and restarting (your iPad sometimes needs a break - don't we all)

This video shows you how to power off your iPad. https://drive.google.com/file/d/19hXAnKukpivjMc67YZK0h4he3wl4NvtI/view?usp=sharing

5. Reach out to teacher for guidance, or contact the technology department.

Help Desk: 845-373-4100 x 5508

6. If it seems to be a Google related issue, log out of Google and back in.

(Insert Video)

7.Charging Issues:

Make sure you are using the brick and cord that was issued to you from the school. This movie will show you how to troubleshoot if you think it could be the cord or the brick gone bad! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CK8_ZV1J6ARfWAigjsV4ZaRegWQ5VldG/view?usp=sharing

If you iPad is charging slowly, try to put your iPad into "airplane mode" and see if that helps it to charge more quickly. (Insert Movie for Airplane mode)

If the iPad still isn't charging, try and take it out of the case and see.

Safely Remove iPad from Case: This video shows how to safely remove the iPad from it's case. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tofxnDTYd4Ugx-H9AixGIlnS5Rbg3Py1/view?usp=sharing

Putting Case Back On: This video shows you how to put the iPad case back on safety. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JyzmY7RI7Z2yb6QwYuK01O5tZ532hmhw/view?usp=sharing