
Employment and web technology is from either the perspective of either the employer or the job candidate.

Web technology also allows an individual to be proactive with their job search with tools.

Tech Jobs

Blue Collar

Blue collar jobs are generally hourly or manual labor jobs with more and more technology skils required. 

White Collar

Jobs in a company cubical or office environment, generally with 2, 4 or more years of collegiate degreed schooling.

Pink Collar

Jobs whose labor is related to customer interaction, entertainment, sales, or other service-oriented work and considered as 'Pink Collar' jobs (Wikipedia).

New Collar

Well paying tech jobs that don't require a 4-year degree and sometimes with specific skill-trained certification.


Make your business shine from your external web resources to your internal web resources.

Job Candidate 

Web technology resources are diverse for a job candidate.  Your employment strategy should include a plan to educate yourself on these resources.



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