7/8 Choir Expectations, Units and Essential Standards
I can rehearse and demonstrate the ability to sing and/or play expressively, on pitch, and in rhythm, while using proper technique and maintaining a steady beat.
I can perform using expressive qualities and techniques.
I can discuss my own ideas and feedback of others to develop strategies to address technical challenges.
I can illustrate how the setting and music elements contribute to the context of the music.
I can demonstrate an understanding of music from aural traditions and through standard and nonstandard notation through performance.
I can perform collaboratively as a part of an ensemble, demonstrating well developed ensemble skills.
I can perform solos and in small ensembles, contributing performance ideas collaboratively to enhance the performance.
I can demonstrate proper concert etiquette collaboratively in a rehearsal for a variety of musical settings.
I can define and demonstrate understanding of foundational musical elements in discussion and written reflections.
I can express musical ideas through verbal, movement, written, artistic, or technological means.
I can evaluate and critique musical performances, recordings, and compositions using appropriate music terminology and technology.
I can demonstrate proper concert/audience etiquette for a variety of musical settings.
I can reflect upon and critique performances using grade appropriate music vocabulary
I can analyze the historical and cultural relationships of music’s interactions with other disciplines.
I can explain how music relates to self, others, and the world using grade- appropriate music vocabulary.
I can categorize musical connections, similarities, and differences.
I can compare and contrast the roles of musicians in various music settings and world cultures.
At A Glance
1-2 per quarter
1st Quarter- Fall Concert
2nd Quarter-Christmas Concert
3rd Quarter- Spring Concert, Large Group Festival
4th Quarter- May Concert
Choral music for performances will be in two parts for MS Choir, usually written as SA (soprano/alto). Students may also begin learning to read music in more than two parts, ie: SSA, SAB, or SATB if combined with HS Choir.
Solo & Ensemble is optional, but highly recommended, for solo and small group repertoire development.
-Voice Care
-Melody, Harmony
Music Theory
The Choir Volume
Music Literacy
Music Symbols
Music Creation
Ear Training
Music History
The Vocalize! Canon Collection: 55 Rounds for Choral and Classroom Singing Compiled and Arranged by Andy Beck
© 2017 Alfred Music
All rights reserved. Printed in USA .
ISBN-10: 1-4706-3951-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-4706-3951-8