
Class code lzvh7ph



Over the two Quarters we will be learning about robotics how they are powered and controlled and how products are designed engineered and produced. In doing this we will have some paperwork, some hands on work, and a lot of fun!

All tests and assignments done in this class will be assigned points. At the end of the term all the points will be totaled up and graded according on a 90-80-70-60 grading scale. Mr. Dorn reserves the right to alter any grades as necessary to ensure that safety and morale are rewarded

Each student is expected to participate and treat each other and shop materials with respect. Attendance is crucial to succeed, as hands on activities will be a bulk of your grade. There is zero tolerance for cheating. If there is a lack of respect or a discipline problem, parents will be contacted and further consequences will occur. Students may be removed from the class for extreme behavior.

Mr. Dorn reserves the right to alter this schedule of curriculum as needed, changes may occur if they do they will happen because of student knowledge, or equipment and materials available.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Phone ext 333

Or just stop in to room 103

engineering scope