


Over the next semester we will be learning automotive safety, auto maintenance, theory of operation, and servicing the automobile. Systems further explored will be ignition, fuel, lubrication, steering, breaks, suspension, transmission, and accessories. In doing this we will have some paper work, some hands on work, and a lot of fun!

All tests and assignments done in this class will be assigned points. At the end of the term all the points will be totaled up and graded according on a 90-80-70-60 grading scale. Mr. Dorn reserves the right to alter any grades as necessary to ensure that safety and morale are rewarded

Each student is expected to participate and treat each other and shop materials with respect. Attendance is crucial to succeed, as hands on activities will be a bulk of your grade. There is zero tolerance for cheating. If there is a lack of respect or a discipline problem, parents will be contacted and further consequences will occur, as well as Mr. Dorn reserves the right to do whatever is needed to ensure the safety of everyone. Students may be removed from the class for extreme behavior, and removal from one Tech Ed class may result in the removal from all Tech Ed classes.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.


Phone 333

Or just stop in to room 103



Unit 1: Safety

Learning Targets

  1. Students will safely operate the hand tools

  2. Students will safely operate the power tools

  3. Students will safely operate in the general shop

Unit 2: Auto Identification

Learning Targets

  1. I can Identify an engine by components

  2. I can identify a vehicle by style

  3. I can identify vehicle systems

Unit 3 Automotive systems

Learning Targets

  1. I can identify system components

  2. I can diagnose common component problems

  3. I can safely work on an automobile

Unit 4: Work Ethic

Learning Targets

  1. I can self start working

  2. I can apply skills learned

  3. I can accomplish tasks in a timely manner

Unit 5: Careers

Learning Targets

  1. I can identify a work pathway

  2. I can understand a monthly budget

  3. I can how to plan a career path that will suit my needs