research team

peggy saunders

Literacy & Instructional Strategies

Dr. Saunders is the team leader and brings expertise in administration. She is experienced in the difficult conversations that happen between supervisor and employee as well as those with parents, the schools’ most vocal clients. She also has experience in grant writing.

Susan Hafen

Organizational Communication

Dr. Hafen brought decades of experience in human resources when she joined Weber State teaching organizational communication and interpersonal and small group communication. She represents the communication studies disciplines.

melina alexander

Special Education

Dr. Alexander teaches in the general education teacher training area and is a specialist in distance learning with a postdoctoral degree in distance education. In addition to teacher training, she teaches in Women and Gender Studies, an area that also can benefit from simulated role playing.

Daniel Pyle

Assistant Professor
Teacher Education

Dr. Pyle brings expertise in the unique needs of working within the field of special education and the critical conversations that occur when working with students with disabilities and their families. His research includes peer-mediated interventions and multi-tiered systems of support.

Jean Norman

Associate Professor
Emerging Media & Journalism

Dr. Norman teaches journalism and represents the media studies disciplines within the Communication Department. Her interest in this technology includes practicing interviewing techniques before student journalists go out and conduct real interviews. She also is experienced in grant writing.

Ryan Cain

Assistant Professor

Dr. Cain brings technological expertise to the team. He prepares teachers at Weber State to be evaluators and integrators of digital tools. His primary research methodologies include surveys and that expertise will be used for needs assessment.