Envision a Future

Student Showcase

About the Projects

In Fall 2018, the students of HNRS 1500: Co-Evolution of Life & Earth (a science General Education course) were tasked with producing a final creative project that envisioned a future world and answered the question, "Is intelligence an evolutionary advantage?"

Their projects draw upon concepts covered in the course, including the scientific process & science communication, data analysis, geosphere-hydrosphere-atmosphere-biosphere interactions, geologic time and processes, evolution of organisms and ecosystems, mass extinctions, and more. Their future visions were totally up to them, but needed to be based on a solid foundational understanding of how life & the physical Earth interact, backed up by their own research. We hope you enjoy their final projects!

Copyrights for projects belong to their creators. Projects shared with permission.

The Near Future: Within Our Lifetimes

Listen to Me Now, Believe Me Later On

Trailer / Screenplay / Short Film

Brysen Bodily, 2018

Year 2080: Vignettes from the Last Century on Earth

Mariia Volkanova, 2018

The Middle Future: World of our Great-Grandchildren

Life from 2100 and how it got here!

Collin Gee, 2018

Ski Utah 2120? A Rap

(follow the link for the video)

Emily White, 2018

Fragments Shored Against Ruins: A Short Story

Rebekah Holt, 2018

The Farther Future: Distant Civilizations

History of Humanity in the Year 2200

Anonymous Student, 2018

A Short Story from the Late 23rd Century

Sergey Akhmedov, 2018

Welcome to 2300: Travel Brochure

Hannah Olsen, 2018

Welcome to the Year 3000

Abigail Anderson, 2018

Tomb Capsule: A Short Story

Jacob Baggett, 2018

The Year 7018: A Narrative

Marcus Benoff, 2018

The Geologic Future

Life in a Distant Future

Anonymous Student, 2018

250 Million Years From Now

Keilee Stratton, 2018