Math Practice Links Math Games
Shapes: Kangaroo Hop
Two-digit Addition: Canoe Puppies
Subtraction: Ducky Race Subtraction
Rounding: Tandem Turtles
Patterning: Crack Hacker's Safe
Patterning: Code Breaker
Graphs: Cyberchase Bugs in the System
Graphs: Fuzz Bugs Graphing
Math facts: Gobble Squabble
Symmetry: Peg + Cat's Symmetry Painter
Fractions: How many ways can you make a half?
Fair Shares: Puppy Treats
Number Relationships: Number Chart Game
Number Patterns: Monster Truck Number Patterns
Friends to 10: Museum of Tens with Curious George
Measurement: Measure it!
Counting by 5's: High Five Finger Painting
Multiplication: Multiplication Duck, Meteor Multiplication, Number Diving
Other Math Resource Links
You can help your children make connections between what they learn in school and everyday experiences at home and in the community!
Help share snacks (E.g., divide/distribute or cut fruits) equally among your family to practice fractions
Look through your grocery or Scholastic book order flyers and use play money or loose change to "buy" items
Ask your child to help you sort something like laundry or cutlery. Talk about: “What makes them the same? What makes them different?” How many “attributes” can you find?
Involve your child in cooking or baking, following a recipe together will develops many math, and language, skills and build math vocabulary (E.g., "We added 2 cups, how many more do we need?", "Can you read the sixth step for me, please?", "We are only making half the recipe today. What is half of 4 cups?")