2016 Garden Project

2016 Brings a Surprise

We continued planting in our two cold frames this year, but decided to try our luck at growing radishes. We needed to harvest them early, as the school year was ending. The radishes were a bit small, but they did add some great color to our school salad station.

The big surprise was when the City of DePere asked our school to partner with them to put an orchard in our school yard. With the help of lots of fifth graders and the city grounds workers, we planted an orchard of twelve trees: four plum, four pear, and four apple. We even received news coverage on the day we planted.

Summer School students again helped with the garden and planted a nice crop of carrots the early part of July. When classes resumed in the Fall, we had a bountiful crop of carrots to harvest.

Tasting radishes for the first time.