Homework Log

Below you will find our class' homework log and daily announcements. Each day will be updated with the homework for the night for Group A or Group B. It will also have announcements for a particular day and all days to come. Each day will also have the schedule of when Group A comes to school and is online, and when Group B comes to school and is online. Click on the document below to view the entire homework log.

If you have any questions or concerns about homework or particular announcements, please do not hesitate to reach out!

Miss Horan's Homework Log

If you cannot open the document above, please click on the following link to access the homework log : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hwzgoTnKROgGgGGLQqITs6YXfWYBsgPyYoPbW0JN7uM/edit?usp=sharing