
Outsiders Day

By Estefania Zepeda January 11, 2024

The Outsiders is an influential novel about the struggles of social class and identity that many schools read. It was written by S.H. Hinton and was published in 1967 by Viking Press. Edgewood is one of the schools that reads The Outsiders, and they even have a day dedicated to it for the eighth graders to celebrate. 

For the event, students would dress up as greasers and Socs, who are teenage boys and characters from the novel. The greasers are characterized with black leather jackets, red bandanas, dark-colored jeans, and greased back hair. On the other hand, the Socs usually are dressed in pastels and softer colors. They usually wear sweaters, polo shirts, light jeans, slacks, and skirts. Additionally, the school brings out old cars for students to look at and take photos with. Outsiders day originally began when an English teacher had an idea to do it around 15 years ago. It is now a classic Edgewood tradition to do it every year so all the students can enjoy themselves and have fun. English teacher Miss Crawford said, "Do it for Ponyboy.” Eighth grader Giselle Avalos stated, “Ponyboy will always be a golden boy.” 

The book mostly takes place outside at the park around afternoon or night. It shows struggles because there were events where they had gotten into a fight and had to hide their identity. It happened because one of the Socs named Bob got mad at Ponyboy and Johnny because they were both talking to Cherry, who is his girlfriend. And that's how it made it into a fight. Another thing is when Ponyboy and Johnny had to hide their identity because they had killed one of the Socs, which got them in trouble. This novel is so unique because of the characters and their relationships. Hinton started writing this when she was 15 and wrote it in bulk. When Hinton published it she was 18. It got so popular that she made this book that everyone wanted it!

A Soc and a greaser.

Vintage cars brought out for students to see.

An Interesting Halloween

By Isabella Perez January 16, 2024

This year’s Halloween at Edgewood was fun for everyone. The group costumes and the department costume contest made the holiday an interesting and fun day for the many people who participated in the holiday and for those who did not, but still enjoyed the event. 

Out of the many people who wore costumes, the most popular ones were inflatable costumes, Mario and Luigis, skeletons, onesies, and Minions. Multiple people were also doing group costumes with their friends. The department costume contest was interesting to watch, some of the costumes included: the language department as 101 Dalmatians, the music department as Marvel characters, the science department as horror movie characters, the history department as The Outsiders, the English department as Uno cards, the office staff as Shrek, the math department as puns/jokes, and P.E as Starbucks workers. 

When asked what she liked about Halloween and what she thought, eighth grader Andrea Garcia said, “You get to dress up and have fun with friends, so it was pretty cool." When asked about which costume she liked best, eighth grader Juliana Becerra said, “There were so many good costumes. I couldn’t pick which one was my favorite.”

There was also a pumpkin decorating competition, classes worked on them during the week to show them off to other students on Halloween day. Some of the pumpkins included a Five Nights at Freddy’s pumpkin, a Roblox man face pumpkin, and a scary face pumpkin.

Group of students dress up for Halloween.

One of Journalism's jack-o'-lanterns.

Student Spotlight: Arielle Hsiao

By Paz Toma January 12, 2024

Eighth grader, president of Science Olympiad, member of Speech and Debate, honors student, and a friend to many, Arielle Hsiao has been chosen for the Student Spotlight. Arielle is Chinese American and loves her culture’s food and languages. Arielle has two siblings, her older sister, Aquilin is a junior at Edgewood High School, and her younger sister, Azalyah, is a third grader at Orangewood Elementary. Arielle believes her heritage and family are some reasons why she is so successful in school, as she explains that her family places a high value on education, which pushes her to be her best. When asked about how she is so active at school, Arielle explains it is because she believes it is very important. She states, “[Being active] gives me a purpose.” She also thinks “it looks good on college applications.” She also explains “Clubs are a great way [she] can learn and express myself.” 

Arielle in line for school lunch.

Arielle has been a part of the Science Olympiad since she was in sixth grade, and recently became president this year. For Speech and Debate, she joined as soon as the club was created last year, and went as far as Chicago for a competition. Arielle pursues a 4.00 GPA, has hopes of going to Nationals for Speech and Debate, and dreams of going to a good college and finding a job she loves doing. Despite how busy she is with all of her extracurricular activities, she also enjoys hobbies such as swimming and crocheting. Although Arielle loves swimming, it was not always the case; she reveals she used to hate the swimming classes she took, and was afraid of deep water. However, after taking a summer class, she began to appreciate and enjoy the sport. Arielle began to crochet after learning how to knit, and she believes that crocheting helps her become more creative. Arielle is proud of this skill, and she has used it to create many hats, like beanies, and even an “acorn hat.” Arielle explains, “I didn’t intentionally crochet it to look like an acorn. But when I finished, it looked like an acorn. So I just called it that.” Another hobby of hers is traveling with her family every summer. She’s been across the country and outside of it, such as visiting New York, Canada, and China. In the future, she hopes to visit Europe, specifically France or Italy. Arielle has had amazingly successful middle school years, and is looking forward to having even more success in high school!

Student Spotlight: Brayden Barraza

By Vivienne Tran December 6, 2023

Brayden’s Speech and Debate Trophy

Seventh grade, Speech and Debate award winner, ASB cabinet, and joyful student. Does that sound familiar? Who is this mysterious student? Drum roll… it’s Brayden Barraza! The amazing and silly bundle of joy, the smart and witty student, and one of the funniest people to be around - he’s usually seen with a welcoming smile on his face. Brayden is easy to get along with and is just super fun to be around. He is a hard-working and devoted student of Speech and Debate and was the winner of the National Speech and Debate contest in 2022. “I won Nationals in Speech and Debate by working hard and practicing every day,” said Brayden. Speech and Debate helps your speaking skills, especially your public speaking. When asked why he joined Speech and Debate, Brayden said, “I joined Speech and Debate because I knew that it would help me a lot and let me be a better speaker with a clearer voice.” 

Brayden was elected seventh-grade cabinet president for Associated Student Body (ASB). ASB is an elective you can take at Edgewood, where your advisor guides you on your way to leadership. ASB runs our assemblies, rallies, spirit days, and so much more. “I joined ASB because it helps me with leadership skills, and it will help me be a better leader,” said Brayden. 

Aside from being in ASB and Speech and Debate, he’s also taking part in the Science Olympiad club! Science Olympiad, also known as SciOly, is a club where students specialize in different fields of science and demonstrate them in tests and competitions. 

Like everyone else, Brayden has life goals. One of them is to attend Harvard to pursue law and soon become a lawyer. In his personal life, or on his own time, he plays the violin; he’s been playing the violin for two years! He is doing pretty well in school and currently has six A’s and one B. Middle school in general is going well for him because he’s been working hard to make sure he excels in his grades. 

Brayden is considered funny and silly by some of his friends. He’s the most genuine person you’ll meet. Some say that you have got to be doing something completely wrong if Brayden doesn’t like you. His smile can easily light up the room and lighten the mood in an instant. 

Brayden Barraza

Phones and Earbuds in Class 

By Tristan Lam January 26, 2024

Phones and earbuds are something that has been restricted in classes all throughout Edgewood. They're considered distractions in class. These two things are also able to help students focus and increase the productivity of students. The usage of earbuds and phones should start in Edgewood, as many students have said that phones and earbuds increase the efficiency and quality of their work.

In class, tedious long work assignments are often assigned, using time where students should be able to listen to music without consequence. Eighth grader Katherine Huynh says “Music can tune out distractions, improving concentration, work quality, and overall focus on assignments.” Even if earbuds or headphones are considered distracting, teachers can still let students work with music consistently as long as it is maintained in a controlled environment. In multiple classes, many English teachers, history teachers, all teachers really, have let students listen to music while working on their assignments which has greatly boosted the quality of their minds and work. It has been scientifically proven that music can help with concentration, focus, and provide an uplifting mindset. Earbuds and phones are two beautiful devices that can provide the music for such improvements. 

Katherine Huynh listening to music while doing work.

Paz Toma using her phone for assignments.

 Eighth grader Sophia Esguerra states that, “Sometimes students just need a mental break from work to refresh our working minds.” She says this as sometimes phones can be useful in helping students manage their stress levels whenever they are overwhelmed with studying or work assignments. Having a device for students to have a mental refresher can greatly increase their mental health, boost their tired minds, and provide inspiration for certain assignments. 

   Additionally phones are a great tool for students who want ideas for writing assignments or to access certain websites to help them with their research. Phones don’t have any restrictions, so it is a great tool to find sources when researching multiple topics. In addition, phones are also useful when it comes to private, personal family matters. When it comes to contacting their child, the school wants the parent to contact the office first, but parents should also have the option to contact their children when it is an emergency. Having this multi-step plan to contact their child in times of emergency is a very hindering process which can have its setbacks. 

     In conclusion, phones and earbuds should be more viable during class hours as it provides focus, concentration, help with schoolwork, and a means of emergency communication. 

The Benefits of a Nutritious Meal

By Paulina Ruiz January 10, 2024

In the U.S., 22 million kids get free or reduced-price lunch during the school year. Although it may not seem like it, these school lunch programs are a big part of these kids’ nutrition. To add on, 9 million kids in the U.S. live in food-insecure households. To these kids, lunch from school is vital since it not only keeps them fed and healthy but reduces their food insecurity and obesity rates. 

Young boy enjoying school food.

Lunch ladies at work!

Two boys eating school lunches.

New research shows that kids who eat school lunch show improved cognitive function, higher test scores, and better attention spans. Research conducted among 46,455 adolescents from 42 different countries showed that eating healthier does improve performance in school. Out of those 46,455 kids, 50% of them, both female and male, reported higher school performance. In this study, the eating habits of kids were studied closely from what they ate at home to what they ate from their school lunch. In another study, the USDA says that 90% of schools in the U.S. are serving school lunches that meet higher nutrition standards. In conclusion, this data shows that the lunches served in all districts might be factors that may help your child perform better at school.  

In the U.S., obesity is a problem that has now become much larger and impactful. For instance, obesity affects 41.9% of adults and 19.7% of children: totaling up to $147 billion in annual healthcare costs. Based on national data, the receipt of free or price-reduced school lunches reduces obesity rates by at least 17%. Obesity is proven to increase the risks of having other major health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, heart disease, and high blood pressure. It also leads to things such as social isolation, depression, lower self-esteem, and bullying. All in all, healthier school lunches would help slowly solve the growing problem of obesity.

Lastly, school lunches are a great tool for keeping kids who live in food-insecure households fed. The WFP estimates that as of 2023, more than 333 million people in the world are facing food insecurity and do not know when or if their next meal will come. Eighth grader Nayeli Vivas states, “School lunches are great since I don't get fed at home. It's the only thing I eat. This saved my life. If the lunches are discontinued, I will not be able to eat at all. This is necessary for my survival.” In California school districts, more than 1.5 billion dollars is spent on school lunches to feed more than 4 million students, most of whom are low-income. This significantly impacts the amount of food they are fed at home since now every student has the privilege of being fed at school too. 

 In conclusion, school lunches benefit students for several reasons. School lunch programs all over the U.S. ensure that every kid has access to free or reduced-price lunch. Although many kids do not take advantage of that privilege, school lunches, as little as they may seem, benefit school performance, reduce food insecurity, and decrease obesity rates. 

Cons of Cafeteria Food

By Nayeli Vivas January 10, 2024

Disclaimer: We appreciate the work the lunch ladies do for us students, but we believe the food companies we buy our food from could be better.

         Although school lunch can be very helpful, it is not always the best alternative. Not only can the food unhealthy, it is not cooked well. Some of these foods are over-processed, and will not help students get the nutrients they need. They will not get enough vitamins and minerals, therefore they will have a greater risk of having chronic health problems. Students have an increased risk of developing heart diseases, diabetes, and cancer. When students have a low intake of vitamins and minerals, students can end up getting abnormally tired, and will also struggle in sports and physical activity. Unhealthy school lunches can cause memory loss, and can decrease brain power. A study from Dr. Axe states that these poor eating habits can also cause changes in a child's sleeping pattern, which in turn can cause changes in behavior and academic performance. Also the students who do eat poor school lunches are more likely to be overweight than their peers who pack a lunch.  Another study from Northwestern University states that after first grade, 14 percent of students who eat school lunches are obese, while 11 percent of students who pack a lunch for school are obese. The students eating school lunch also suffer from high levels of cholesterol. Students who eat unhealthy school lunches usually consume more fats, drink more sugary drinks, and eat less fruits and vegetables than normal students. 

How food can affect our health.

When students are asked about school lunch, they all say very similar things. For example, eighth grader Paulina Ruiz says, “School lunch is nasty. I don't know what the school is feeding me, but I don't want to eat it." This student used to eat school lunch, and only gets it every once in a while, because she does not “trust” it. In another interview, a student said, “Students who only consume fat, sugar and other foods that are not good for your health could get sick. Not all school lunch food has vitamins and proteins.” Another student, eighth grader Andres Aguayo, said, “It's very bad. I expect it to be better. I had high expectations, but sometimes the food is good like when we get pizza or Subway, but it usually isn't. We should have more variety.” Although these students are not as concerned about the health problems that school lunch can cause, they are concerned about the quality and taste of the food. If students are unsure of what they are being fed, it can cause them to not want to eat. That in the long run can cause other health issues. Should we really be feeding students food that can cause health problems and deprive them of the nutrients necessary in our daily lives?

Edgewood Middle School Girls Volleyball team.

Edgewood Volleyball girls playing a league game.

Girls Volleyball Recap

By Kendall Hunter January 10, 2024

Our Wildcat volleyball girls finished off their season strong this year. They continued with another season full of many wins against Walnut Grove and a few against Hollencrest. Seventh grader, Jayla Pena said, "I loved meeting new people and making new and fun memories." Our girls volleyball team had a great effect on seventh-grade student Ximena Gomez. After watching games and playing the sport during P.E., she said, "I want to join the team next year for my eighth-grade year." An eighth grader from this season’s team said, “I will deeply miss playing with these girls. I feel like I’ve gotten to know so much about them in a short period. These last three years have been really fun.”

Our Wildcats sure know how to make our sports fun. For away games, our Wildcat girls were transported to the other middle schools in the district by bus with our Wildcat football team. All in all, it was a good season for our volleyball team this year. The athletes on this year’s team were: Elena Hernandez, Niahmaya Kerch, Jayleen Lopez, Peyton Maddox, Jayla Pena, Jocelyn Pena, Ruby Pasag, Leilani Ruiz, Nicole Torres, Emma Valdez, Belen Valdez, and Allison Vasquez.

 Thank you to our eighth graders: Elena Hernandez, Jayleen Lopez, Jocelyn Pena, Ruby Pasag, and Nicole Torres. It has been an amazing three years! Edgewood would love to see everyone again in the future. 

Super Smash Bros. Community

By Andres Morales January 26, 2024

Super Smash Bros. is a game about fighting but it brings people together. At Edgewood Middle and High School, there is a community of players who play Super Smash Bros. They have a club and an Esports team. But it is more than that as the group brings people together and makes friendships and bonds that last a lifetime. Seventh grader Blake Rodgers made one of those lifelong friends. “I found my best friend Chris on the first day of school when we bonded over Super Smash Bros. We would have never been close without the game.” The catalyst of their friendship showed that if he never played this game, he would have never met his best friend. They have been best friends since 2020. 

Another case of people being brought together by this game is the tournaments. They have tournaments almost every month, and it's a huge gathering of people with the same hobby where you can talk and play against new people. Some people want to play video games, but they can't afford it because of a poor financial situation. But this community allows anybody to play at no cost and judgment. This helped a lot of people with coming into middle school. One of these people is a seventh-grader named Justin Noh. He used to be insecure and unconfident, but this community helped him. “I felt really insecure and alone at the beginning of sixth grade. But when I saw people playing my favorite game, it gave me a sigh of relief that I wasn't a loser.” This is how just a simple game can have such a positive impact on everybody in its community. This is how a game is supposed to be. 

Another positive impact of Super Smash Bros. is that it encourages individuals to improve their skills. This is a very positive thing. Self-improvement is crucial in order to become a better version of yourself, and having people to improve themselves along with you is even better. One of these people who improved in the game and life as a whole is seventh grader Emiliano Garcia. His work effort and gaming skills improved. “Realizing that the more I failed and tried again, the more I improved in the game.” However, his grades started to fall, but he believes, “It's the same thing for school and life: the more you try and get back up, the better you will get over time.” By using this philosophy, he improved his grades and now he's on the high honor roll for his academic achievements. This game has done a lot of good things over the years, especially for these people who have improved for the better and also found lifelong friendships along the way. 

Students choosing their characters before battling each other.

Students playing Super Smash Bros. with each other.

Super Smash Bros. and all the characters.

Ponyo (2009)

Cozy Fall/Winter Recipes

By: Annalee Lopez January 10, 2024

      Fall and winter is a time with cozy vibes. Leaf piles, warm coffee, cozy blankets, and movies with a wonderful charm are some of the aspects that come to mind when people think of the cold seasons. But what could make this feeling even better? A sweet treat! Why not whip yourself up some tasty goodies perfect for snacking on during your favorite fall show or movie? These fall treats will be surely saved for your friends and family to enjoy.

Pumpkin S'mores Cookie

The first treat is a pumpkin s’mores cookie. It’s a delicious treat that’ll be even tastier when it’s still warm. Even better, it’s super easy to make! The dough is store-bought, and the instructions are clear and straightforward. There are no measurements needed. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

Pillsbury Pumpkin Cookie Dough

Pumpkin Spice Cookies w/ Cream Cheese Frosting

The next recipe is a great one! They are pumpkin spice cookies with a cream cheese frosting. This is a delicious recipe, but not as easy as the last one. You have to make the cookie dough and the frosting all from scratch.

For the cookies, here’s what you’ll need:

For the cream cheese frosting, you’ll need:

Ponyo Honey Milk

For the last recipe, it’s a simple drink that’s so easy to make, yet so delicious. You may have seen it in a Studio Ghibli movie. This drink is from Ponyo, a wonderful story about a goldfish and a 5-year-old boy named Sosuke. The drink is the milk that she drinks with Sosuke when she first goes to their house.

To make this drink, you’ll need:

These recipes are fairly simple to follow and even simpler to eat. Always remember that baking is supposed to be fun! You’ll probably make mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes! Just remember to not be afraid of the kitchen. Other than that, stay safe, and snack on!

Is Roblox Worth Playing in 2024?

By: Jayden Lam January 24, 2024

“Life is Roblox” is a quote that many of us use to describe how Roblox is important to our lives, but is Roblox worth playing in 2024?

What is Roblox?

Let’s get this straight - Roblox is more like a gaming platform than a game itself since players can create their own games and publish them on Roblox. Roblox can be accessed through their app or their website,  However, the majority of users, especially children, only play games and are not creators. Roblox for most of its existence has relied on a minority of users, the game developers and accessory creators. 

Roblox login background

Roblox in 2024

This dynamic between players and creators may soon experience a dramatic change. Roblox has recently encouraged creators to produce more realistic UGCs (user-generated content) as a part of their metaverse integration. This would shift the proportion of creators and players. Original players getting back into Roblox may be shocked by the change in the general attitude toward the purpose of Roblox, whether it is still a gaming platform or a marketplace. In general, it is easy to like Roblox as a first-time user, than it is for an original player.

Roblox stock prices as of January 24, 2024

The Cons

Roblox is a hotbed for online "creeps" because most users are little children. Even if you are an older player, you may still encounter creeps. As seventh grader Andres Morales said, “I’ve encountered many [scoundrels] because they think we are little kids.” You might think that with Roblox’s metaverse campaign, they would have addressed the issue of online predators, but it is in fact the opposite. Roblox has doubled down on the metaverse bandwagon and ignored all of the criticism including the issue of creeps. I think this is a horrible change for Roblox. New UGC has ruined the immersive experience of many of the classic games on the platform. Roblox has disregarded its older players. Overall, Roblox’s metaverse campaign feels more like a desperate attempt to appeal to the market and boost its stock price.

The Pros

Roblox is a dynamic platform with new games every day. This means that developers and creators have produced fresh games and content keeping the platform and its player base active. I enjoy playing Roblox for this exact reason; there are a bunch of games to check out so I never get bored. Others also agree that Roblox is “stupidly fun,” as eighth grader Annalee Lopez explains. Despite the issues with UGC, I think the new UGC catalog is still a positive change for Roblox because it allows players and creators to express themselves. Nowadays, player avatars are much more diverse and unique compared to what they were five years ago. Furthermore, creeps can be easily avoided if you act maturely and avoid playing childish games. The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) rates Roblox for ages 13+ with some games being for all ages. Thus, it’s mainly the parents' fault if their child accesses inappropriate content especially because Roblox has built-in parental controls. All in all, Roblox is a semi-safe and thriving platform as long as everyone adheres to the rules. 

Ratings and Opinions

I believe that Roblox is still worth playing in 2024 and others have agreed as well. Roblox is best played with friends too. I would give Roblox 8.9 paws out of 10. It has endless potential, but has some problems within the community. 

Various Roblox avatars 

Movies/Films for the Chilly Season 

By: Katherine Huynh January 25, 2024

Hey Wildcats! Stuck on what to watch this cold and chilly season? Here is a list of must-watch shows and movies for you! These five movies and shows are perfect to watch when you want to cozy up with a fluffy blanket and a warm drink. 

Dead Poets Society 

Dead Poets Society (1989) is an American coming-of-age drama film directed by Peter Weir, and written by Tom Schulman. With the presence of a new English teacher, Mr. Keating the school’s orderly way of schooling is disturbed. Using his unconventional ways of teaching, Mr. Keating enlightens the boys to be free and wild thinkers. Set in the snowy landscape of winter and fall, it is the perfect movie for a cold day. 

Dead Poets Society (1989) 

Over the Garden Wall (2014)

Over the Garden Wall

Over the Garden Wall (2014) is an American childrens' dark fantasy TV miniseries that follows two step brothers, Wirt and Greg. The series follows their journey through a place called “The Unknown”. Across their winding adventures, they uncover a multitude of mysteries and obscure places, meeting friends and foes along the way. It is a perfect, wholesome story for kids that shows immense character growth with just the right amount of mystery and cozy fantasy. 

Fantastic Mr. Fox

Wes Anderson is well renowned for his many cinematic works. Among those, is a stop motion film, called Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009). Following the spontaneous protagonist Mr. Fox as he goes on a multitude of adventures against farmers, Boggis, Bunce, and Bean. The film provides comforting themes of friendship and family. This film is filled with warmth and fun, perfect to lift your mood on a gloomy day. 

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Edward Scissorhands (1990)

Edward Scissorhands 

The winter and fall season are perfect for indulging in gothic film and literature. One well known piece of gothic film is Edward Scissorhands (1990). As the title suggests, Edward Scissorhands is an eerie fantasy film that follows Edward, a young man that instead of hands has scissors. After being taken in by a loving saleswomen, Edward struggles to assimilate to the “regular” suburban lifestyle, especially with his “hands” making him an outcast. With such a mysterious and unusual atmosphere, this movie is perfect to prepare for the cold seasons. 

The Nightmare Before Christmas 

Despite what the title may suggest, The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) is in fact a Halloween film! It is a beloved fantasy adventure film that tells of the story of Jack Skellington, Halloween Town’s pumpkin king. When he accidentally stumbles into Christmas Town, he plots to take control of Christmas and take over the role of Santa Claus. Blending both Halloween and Christmas, this movie is perfect for that transition period between the two holidays.

The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)

Hopefully with these in mind, you can find something to watch during this cold and chilly season! Prepare a cup of a warm drink and a fluffy blanket, then you're ready to go!