Story: Water and Ice

Semester 1: I have been working on the first draft of a story, which is currently called Water and Ice. At the end of Semester 1, I had 20,107 words, which is 82 pages on Google Docs. I also have done a lot of brainstorming and planning for the story.

Semester 2: In quarter 3 I did some work on my story. In quarter 4 the only work I did on it was starting to edit the line breaks in the beginning of the story, but I didn't work on it very much. The story is now 99 pages long.

Current Elevator Pitch of the Plot / Summary of the Story

Mystic is a Water Whisperer in the magical realm ruled by Queen Rain the Radiant. When she is not off serving her Queen, Mystic is surviving in the real world under the alias of an average high schooler, Mia. Mystic struggles with the secret of not being able to tell anyone who she really is, constantly keeping her Water Whisperer life from everyone around her. But when evil spirits in the Water Realm are dousing the life of the Water - which causes Water Whisperer powers to be useless - Mystic is summoned to work on a special youth team to stop the evil powers and protect the Water.

NaNoWriMo Goals Semester 1

NaNoWriMo is the organization that I have been using to make goals for drafting my story, and track my progress towards those goals.

In Semester 1 I set two different goals on NaNoWriMo for drafting my story. Here is my progress towards those goals:

Goal 1, Write 12,000 Words

Goal 2, Write 12,825 More Words

As you can see I did not meet my second goal - I decided that it was too ambitious and I had more work I had to do for some of my other projects. Below are the pictures from my work towards this goal before I switched to an overall drafting goal of 20,000 words in the first draft of my story by winter break - and I did achieve that one!

NaNoWriMo Goals Semester 2

Story Drafts

September 2022: Water and Ice DRAFT 1: 26 pages

October 2022: Water and Ice DRAFT 1: 28 pages

November 2022: Water and Ice DRAFT 1: 72 pages

December 2022: Water and Ice DRAFT 1: 82 pages

January 2023: Water and Ice DRAFT 1: 82 pages

February 2023: Water and Ice DRAFT 1  : 83 pages

March 2023: Water and Ice DRAFT 1  : 98 pages

Didn't have an April draft, I didn't really work on my story in April.

May 2023: Water and Ice DRAFT 1.5 (Started to edit line breaks): 99 pages (I didn't add much more to it, just went back to the beginning and started to edit the line breaks)

Rain and Indra: Sidestory / Backstory to Water and Ice

At some point, I also started writing a story that will end up being a backstory for Water and Ice. It is about Rain, who is the current queen of the Water Realm in Mystic's story Water and Ice. It is also about Indra, Rain's sister, who is a character that will be included later in the story of Water and Ice.

This is what I have so far of the draft, but the story isn't finished: Water and Ice: The Story of Rain and Indra