
I only did one poem in Semester 1, and spent a lot of my English time working on my story. In Semester 2, I focused a lot more on poetry than working on my story. I spent more of my time drafting poems, and all of my poetry is unedited, except for the few poems that I focused on editing in Quarter 4.

Poem: Ecstatic (Semester 1)

This poem was based on the word "ecstatic".


The lake is calm,

A mirror of smooth reflective water.

The sun lights the world up,

Rays of light shining and reaching

Into every corner of shadow

Along the shore and the forest.

Calm fog is creeping away

From the outskirts of the lake,

Leaving a peaceful silence in its wake.

Then - fish!

They leap out of the water,

Shiny bodies arching in the air and

Glinting in the bright sunlight,

Before they fall back in,

Swimming away into the watery depths.

They appear to be feeding,

Only there is no food.

They are jumping out of the water

Just to watch the show of the

Retreating fog, of the glorious sunrise

Of light fluffy clouds and pink and red-orange hues.

The fish pop out of the water again and again,

Ecstatically watching

As the slow calm morning at the lake

Grows bright and excited.

Semester 2 Poetry

Edited Poetry!

Editing is very hard for me, but I have been working on this, and edited several poems in Quarter 4.

It took a lot of work and time to edit them, but I have made them better than they were before!

Edited Poem: Pen of Peace 

Edited Poem: Water