Seal of Biliteracy

In 2018, The Vermont House of Representatives passed resolution H.C.R. 363 establishing the Vermont Seal of Biliteracy. This effort was spearheaded by two of Woodstock's language teachers, Keri Bristow of Woodstock Middle and High School, and Elaine Leibly of Woodstock Elementary School. The Seal of Biliteracy recognizes students' proficiency in two or more languages. The seal is recognized in over thirty states as well as in institutions of higher learning. This honor underscores the importance of language learning as a pathway to global competency, and endorses the notion of an interconnected world, a world in which students will live and work.

The seal is affixed to the student's diploma upon graduation. This year, 2019, was the first year that Vermont students were eligible to earn the seal. Eleven Woodstock students were awarded the Gold Seal, indicating the highest level of achievement. That eleven Woodstock students achieved the Gold standard in the first year of the implementation of the Seal of Biliteracy speaks to the commitment of the school and community to language learning in general and to appreciating other cultures in particular.

Inbound students who opt to graduate from Woodstock High School may also qualify for the Seal of Biliteracy and will be eligible to take the English test to determine their proficiency. If they are deemed bilierate, then the Seal of Biliteracy will be affixed to their Woodstock diploma.

To determine a student's level of biliteracy, the following tests are used:

-AP English Exam

-AAPL or ALIRA tests

-SAT II in English