Student Outcomes

"The biggest turn in my life was to be able to read easier.

I am going into AP classes. That would not even be possible without this class and the hard work we put in together with my Literacy class friends."

~11th grade Structured Literacy Class graduate

Our Data From the Beginning

2014 Through 2022 (8 Years)

Special Education Eligibility Data from 2014-2022 

There are many ways to measure progress! This is just one.

65% of our students with IEPs who completed the program and were then reevaluated for eligibility exited special education entirely.

90% of our students with IEPs who completed the program and were then reevaluated for eligibility did not qualify with an SLD in reading- or writing-specific skills.

In 8 years:

Smaller sample size, but interesting data:

How Long Does it Take?

An average of 2.07 years. 

"As soon as possible, as long as necessary" (Shinn et al., 2021). 

Class times are typically 50-55 minutes, 4 times per week - just like all our other classes at WUHSMS. This has varied over the years.

A Closer Look at Data from One Year ~2021-22

NOTE: An unprecedented number of students (11) had graduated from our program the prior year. Their success left us with only 16 students in 2021-22. 

In typical years, we had 20-25 students for a .8 FTE teaching position. 

Results: Phonological Awareness Screening Test (PAST) 2021-22

Results: Reading Comprehension ~ Always the Goal

Our district's vocabulary and comprehension screener: STAR Reading

The Student Growth Percentile (SGP) score compares a student’s growth from one period to another with that of his or her academic peers nationwide—defined as students in the same grade with a similar scaled score history. Our students' end-of-year student growth percentiles in 2021-22. See below for what this rate of growth can turn into if maintained across several years.

Average STAR SGP Scores in the 60 and 80%ile Range Over Three Years Look Like:

Both of these students graduated from Structured Literacy class after 3 years. They completed our phonics scope and sequence and read grade-level material accurately, independently, and with understanding.

*STAR = STAR Reading (Renaissance, 2022)

**WIST = Word Identification and Spelling Test (Wilson & Felton, 2004)