The 6-Step Lesson Plan 

"College is a reality for me because this class taught me the things I needed to achieve my goals in life."

~ 12th grade Structured Literacy Class graduate

Lesson Templates

We have adapted The Reading League's 6-Step Lesson Plan to fit our needs for teaching older emerging readers. It is program-agnostic and works well with our phonemic awareness and phonics curricula. Our work with this lesson plan began with a Reading League Online Knowledge Block Training. Highly recommended!

Anita Archer's (2018) refrain, "Cut the fluff and teach the stuff," comes to mind. We find this lesson plan focuses on the basics: sounds and letters, letters and sounds, reading and spelling words, and ample practice reading connected text. 

6 Step Lesson Plan Template.pdf

TRL 6-Step Lesson Plan  

Original Template

TRL 6-Step Lesson Plan ADAPTED

TRL 6-Step Lesson Plan *Adapted*

Adapted by Julie Brown for Older Students

Lesson Examples

Please note:

These example plans are from real lessons. Are they perfect? No - we can always improve. But, they are

Sample Lesson Plan

1st Sample Plan: 

-dge, student's Dictation page, and testing results

Sample Lesson Plan 1

2nd Sample Plan: 

-tion, board agenda, and some of our Chernobyl readings

3rd Sample Lesson Plan

3rd Sample Plan:

"qu" = /k/ /w/ and more practice with /n/

"Do you hear /k/ /w/? Write 'qu.'"

Sample Lesson 3: Open, closed, silent e syllables

4th Sample:

Multisyllabic words and student's Dictation page

The following pages explain how we teach each step of the lesson in our high school and middle school classes ...

Click on "Lessons" in the menu to the left to learn more about each step.