What is

FIRST® Robotics Competition?

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FIRST® Robotics Competition

Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology, FIRST® Robotics Competition (FRC).

Thousands of high-school student robotics teams from across the globe participate each year. Under strict rules, each team of students is challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. The students learn real-world skills and technology from mentors who work in business and industry.

Each year in early January, teams from across the state gather at Georgia Tech and virtually to learn of the rules and challenge for the year’s competition. Following the completion of the build season, each in-state team competes in a minimum of two qualification events. Teams that qualify during the district events will continue on to the State Championships. Teams from Georgia that qualify during State continue on to the FIRST® World Championships later in the year

Any high school student can participate in FRC . Teams need to design web-pages, build business plans, decorate a pit-stall booth, handle financial reports, make presentations, and various other roles in addition to the more technical roles of programming, fabrication, 3-D design, electrical, mechanical, etc.

According to the FIRST® research, the results of participating in FIRST® are impressive:

FIRST® Participants are 2x as likely to major in science or engineering

41% of FIRST® Participants major in engineering

33% percent of women FIRST® Participants major in engineering

88% of FRC Participants are more interested in school

90% of FRC Participants plan to take a more challenging math or science course

91% of FRC Participants are more interested in going to college

98% of FIRST® Participants improved problem-solving skills

95% of FIRST® Participants increased time management skills

93% of FIRST® Participants increased conflict resolution skills

76% of FIRST® Participants strengthened communication skills