Washington DC interactive map

Students embarked on this project in preparation for our 8th grade trip to Washington DC. They voluntarily worked on this project during their study halls and lunch periods.

Students research the area using Google Maps. They decide on an area to map out and a scale to use.

The measuring and painting begin.

Students use Tinkercad to design the buildings. They use the 3D printer to print out the buildings.

Placing the buildings and labeling.

Preparing the board and wiring lights and a control panel. Certain building will light when the correct button is pushed.

Students worked in small groups researching nine monuments and memorials, as well as the three branches of government. They made videos about each of these. The videos were made using their choice of resources including Google Slides, iMovie, and green screen technology.

The videos were uploaded to YouTube and QR codes were created with links to the videos. QR codes were mounted on a poster board as well as near its corresponding building on the model itself.

The finished project.