AP Unit sample- tecnologia

  Ecco i molti modi per discutere di tecnologia 

Il lessico

You are to speak for two minutes about the topic of technology and the internet- using the terminology we have been working with, the readings and discussions we have been involved in this month.    Here is the prompt/ecco la traccia!

Record your voice as an mp3 file and upload/share it with me.  

Due donne astrofisiche: 

Here are three videos - about two unique Italian women in an unusual field of study - listen to and watch all three videos, indicate the true statements, correct the false statements and answer Signora's questions - using as much topic related terminology as possible- careful about how you express opinions!

Be aware that all work done on this document ( to answer questions) is automatically saved! when you have finished answering questions you can close out and I will be able to see your work when I come to Class!

         ** Addio a Margherita! --https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncT3GZ-Z2NI

La tecnologia nella nostra vita di tutti i giorni - 

Pro e Contro; passato, presente e futuro

Il cellulare del futuro                                      La dipendenza da Internet