Spanish 4 Honors

Course Description: ¡Bienvenidos al español 4 Honores! Welcome! We are excited that you have chosen to continue your study of the Spanish Language and Culture!

Spanish 4 is an Honors, language intensive, college level course. As a college level course, all topics listed under Checkpoint C of the NYS Foreign Language Objectives will be covered in preparation for the AP exam after the completion of Spanish 5. The AP Spanish Language exam is a very demanding exam. Success in the AP requires an intensive two-year preparation. The structures covered in level 3 will be quickly reviewed and new structures will be introduced and explained in detail. The course will center around themes included in the AP Program.

We will create a solid foundation for success towards AP Spanish and your continued path towards the Seal of Biliteracy.

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 4 honores! For more information on our class syllabus, language standards, and class calendar, click on our class tab above.

21-22 Spanish 4 Honors Student Presentation

Soccer Fans

Student Made Grammar Notes

Identifying the body/Nutrition

El Carnival

Copy of David Culcay - Project #1-MP2-La identidad nacional-La bandera

Student Project-Identidad Nacional-La bandera

Spanish 4´s favorite song! ¨Live my life¨

Babbel´s Language Ambassador Explains the Benefits To Learning Languages