Spanish 3 Regents

Course Description: This is the final course preparing students for NYS Education Department’s Checkpoint B proficiency (District Level Final Exam). Topics, functions and situations remain the same as in the previous levels, but are approached in a broader and deeper manner. Expanding vocabulary and an increasing understanding of more complicated verb forms and grammatical concepts allow students to communicate more effectively and understand the target language in authentic situations. Topics include personal identification, family life, education, house and home, leisure, shopping, community neighborhood, meal taking/food/drink, physical environment, travel, health and welfare, earning a living, public and private services, services and repairs, and current events. Functions include culture, socializing, providing and obtaining information, expressing personal feelings, and persuasion. Situations include listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All students in this course level take the District Final exam in the foreign language in June. The District Final Exam is also the final exam for the course, which counts as 20% of the final course average. Students must pass this course and pass the District Final Exam in order to qualify for an Advanced Regents Diploma.In the Level 3 course, we will develop additional themes using more complex structures (interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational). The course meets every day and will create a solid foundation for success towards Spanish 4 Honors and working on the goal towards receiving the Seal of Biliteracy in their senior year.

¡Bienvenidos a la clase de español 3! For more information on our class syllabus, language standards, and class calendar, click on our class tab above.

Día de los muertos vs Halloween

Singing ¨Recuérdame¨ from the Pixar Movie ¨Coco¨

Todo sobre mi cultura/All about my culture projects

Todo sobre mi cultura/All about my culture projects

Spanish 3 Regents Opening Day

Languages can be learned through music.