Practical Chemistry

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Practical Chemistry is a non-Regents course designed for students who may not want to pursue a career in science BUT it encourages students to have a better understanding of chemistry in our daily lives and its contribution to modern technology. The purpose of the course is to help students build critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, and become more scientifically literate. 

Note to students and families

Chemistry can be hard for many students, which means your student may not be getting the grades they are used to, and that’s okay. Please encourage them to stay positive (like a proton) and ask for help. Practice, good study habits, and staying organized are the key to mastering chemistry. If your student ever feels lost or confused about the material, have them reach out to me and I will find a time to work with them. I will also be sharing many study tips and resources with your student in order to help them manage this class, as well as their other classes.