Recommendation Letters

Requesting Letters of Recommendation

Most people need a letter of recommendation at some time in their life for colleges, programs, jobs, or scholarships among other things. Recommendation letters are a chance for someone to speak to your character and personality. They can show a college or organization who you are as a person from the perspective of others. A quality letter should come from person who knows you well as a student and member of the community. Many colleges require two letters of recommendation from teachers. You can usually use the same two letters for every college. Often, colleges require a letter from your counselor as well. It is customary to give at least two weeks notice or more when asking for a letter of recommendation. Below are some resources to help.

Senior Fact Sheet - updated 3-13-20.docx (1).pdf

The Senior Fact Sheet

This form must be provided to your school counselor so that they can write the most comprehensive letter possible for prospective colleges, programs, and/or scholarships. This form must be handed in personally to your school counselor at least 2 weeks or more prior to the recommendation deadline.

Letter of Rec Protocol 2019.pdf

Recommendation Letter Etiquette

There are preferred ways to ask someone to write you a recommendation letter. A good letter takes a great deal of time and care. Here are some tips.

SCOIR - Adding a Teacher for Recommendation.webm

Requesting a Teacher in SCOIR

After a teacher has agreed to write a letter, you must request that teacher in your SCOIR account. You do not need to request your counselor in SCOIR, but you do still need to ask your counselor for a letter at least 2 weeks in advance if it is required by any of the colleges you are applying to. Only teachers and counselors from John Jay or Wappingers Schools can and should be requested through SCOIR. Below is the link to log in to SCOIR.


College Search | Common App.webm

Requesting Recommenders in Common Application

Since our school uses SCOIR, you need to follow a certain procedure within Common App when adding the teachers and counselor who may be providing recommendation letters for you. When adding John Jay or Wappingers Schools employees, you enter their name and title, but not their email address. If you are adding a coach, advisor, mentor, etc... who does not work for our school district, you are able to enter their email address and request them directly through Common App. You can also have them send a copy to your counselor to keep in your school file. Before you add anyone in the Common App, you need to add at least one college and complete the FERPA Authorization first. Below is the link to sign in to the Common Application.

Common Application Log In