Bunny breathing:

Take 3 sniffs in through the nose, then hold for a second, exhale out.

Repeat 3 times.

Then take a long breath in and out. This may be a fun way to re-center kids and help re-regulate as well.

Always breathe in through the nose!

Breathing and Movement Ideas

Balanced Breathing:

When count for breath in equals count out. Useful for calming an anxious feeling. I use Square breathing or Triangle breathing which includes an equal pause (counting to 4). When you breathe in, breathe through your nose.

Calming Breathing:

4-7-8 breathing helpful for anxiety, getting to sleep, reducing cravings.

Breath in through your nose for 4, hold for 7 out (with some force) for 8. If starting out, reduce the seconds but keep the ratio. You may feel dizzy at first.