Online Classroom

Have patience and have grace, please. We are all learning something new and it will take time. We are all in this together.


Please have your students keep their textbooks in a safe and organized place. They will be using them every day. If your child is participating in the hybrid school day, they will need to bring their textbooks to class each day.

Handwriting Book
Reading Book 1
Math Book 1
Math Book 2
Science Book
Social Studies Book

Online Lessons


We will be using the Learning Management System Schoology to complete our daily lessons. I understand that it will take lots of practice to learn the new procedures and for your child to maneuver around this program independently. Please know that I will be using this program every day at school. I hope this practice time during school will help you when they are learning at home. Please be prepared to be available to help your child when they are at home. I have tried to make it very kid friendly and easily accessible.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any trouble at all. We are learning this new way together and I am happy to help every step of the way.
Another option is to reach out to the county. They offer remote learning information and help. You can access this by clicking the link below.